Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

The Most Strange Bird on Earth

The lammergeier also known as the bearded vulture is the most strange bird on earth because of it's behavior as bones-eater. The lammergrier is kind of birds of prey, but they prefer like to eat bone than flash. They has strong acid in their stomach to destroy the bones and get the rich marrow inside. If they see a fresh bones of animal, they will take and swallow it. If the bone too big to swallowed, they will drops them onto rocks to smash them open. They can drop the same bone many times if it does not break on the first attempt.
The lammergeier is distributed across a considerable range. They can be found in some mountainous in Asia, Europe, and Africa. Their live is almost associated with mountain and cliff. In Mount Everest have been found that this bird fling at a height of 24,000 ft (7300 m).  

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