Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

The Smallest Bird in Earth

The smallest bird in earth is Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae), with the length of 5 - 6 cm and the weight approximately 1,6 - 2 g. They only a bit larger than a bee. They are species of hummingbird endemic in dense forests and woodland in Cuba.
The male is smaller than the female. The male has red throat that absence in female. They have a long straight-beaks usefull to get the nectar in flower. Likes other hummingbird, the Bee humingbird frequently flying and rarely perching. The bee hummingbird beats its wings an estimated 80 times per second and look like a blur in human eyes.
The bird feed on nectar and small insect, it hover in front of flowers when feeding. Because of their fast metabolism, they require high-nutrient intake and spend much time to search foods.
Bee hummingbird are diurnal, and no need to migrate to long distance because they lived in tropic area. Likes other hummingbird, they able to fly straight up, down, backwards and even upside. Only species of hummingbird known can fly backward.

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